A pilonidal sinus is a small hole or tunnel in the skin at the top of the buttocks (or natal cleft/intergluteal cleft) that contains hair and skin debris. Most people do not notice the presence of a pilonidal sinus until it becomes infected. If detected early and symptoms are not severe, antibiotics can treat an infected pilonidal sinus. However, if recurring or advanced, surgical intervention may be required to relieve symptoms and resolve the infection.
Men and young people are more likely to be affected. Activities that cause hair follicle irritation, such as sitting for long periods of time, exercise, tight clothing, or heavy sweating can exacerbate this condition.
Symptoms that indicate an infection in a pilonidal sinus are pain while sitting or standing, swelling or redness, pus or blood that may be draining from the abscess, emitting an unpleasant smell. Sometimes you will also experience a high temperature.
Pilonidal sinus is diagnosed by physical examination and comprehension of symptoms by your doctor. In complex or recurrent cases, a scan may be requested.